A Look At The Use Of Decorative Walking Canes In The United States

A walking cane – like decorative walking canes – can save a life among those with mobility issues in the United States. And mobility issues are certainly not uncommon, with more than ten percent of all elderly people in the United States (those who are over the age of sixty five) using a walking stick like functional canes or even decorative walking canes. And nearly seven million people of all ages in the United States use a mobility device of some sort. Of all the mobility devices currently available canes like decorative walking canes are by and large the most popular, with around seventy percent of all those who use a mobility aid (nearly five million people in total) choosing to use a cane or a walking stick.
The likelihood of needed to use a mobility aid only grows with age, with forty percent of all people who are aged eighty five or older needing to use a mobility device of some nature, from decorative walking canes to walkers and wheelchairs in more severe cases of mobility impairment (though canes still hold the number one sport for most used mobility device). This is because, with age, the human body becomes more and more frail and unstable – and this can also be seen in the rate of injuries sustained among the elderly population of the United States. In fact, data shows that in every eleven seconds that past, another elderly person is seen for injuries related to a fall or an accident within the home in emergency rooms all throughout the country. And in the course of the year, as many as two million such patients will be seen and treated by doctors in hospitals and other medical facilities. This works out to twenty five percent of all elderly adults – an astounding twenty five percent of them – sustaining a fall every single year in the United States alone.
There are many reasons for such falls to occur – and for the serious nature that many of them have. Dizziness and a general unsteadiness account for the majority of falls sustained by elderly members of the population, and can be attributed to a number of causes themselves. But it is also hugely important to note that at least half of all falls – fifty percent – take place in the home. Oftentimes, there is no easy way for a fallen elderly person to reach out for help or emergency services if they are the only ones at home and have sustained a fall. This can lead elderly people to feel uncomfortable living alone, as well as give their families cause for concern.
Fortunately, bringing in a mobility aid for use in the home and outside of it can seriously increase the independence and ability to live alone that an elderly person is able to experience. Mobility aids like decorative walking canes and custom walking canes can be used to provide greater safety when navigating the world alone. Canes for better mobility and canes for better stability alike have had a profound effect on the quality of life of many of those who have mobility challenges, both young and old alike (though decorative walking canes are more typically used among the elderly population).
Using a cane can be a huge and life changing addition to the lives of many elderly people throughout the country of the United States and in the world as a whole. It is important to note that canes can not only improve mobility, but promote and encourage independence as well, an important thing for many elderly people all throughout the country who greatly prize their ability o live independently.