A World Of Good In One Box The Five Benefits Of Donating Used Clothes To American Red Cross

Who says donating to charity only has to be done during the holidays? When it comes to helping out your community and spreading some good throughout the country, the best time is always now.
If you’re wondering what you could possibly have to offer up to charity, never fear. American Red Cross clothing donations are a free, easy way of doing good for your fellow human. Used clothing is not only a very common resource, it’s an easily recycled one, to boot. Just one bag or box of used clothing will go a long way to improve the environment, stock up thrift stores, and save you some trouble. Want to see just how far the benefits of clothing donations go?
Below are five benefits you’ll gain with just one clothing pick up call to your local American Red Cross.
Clean Up The Environment With A Donation
Living green can seem pretty complex to start with. Turns out shifting a few of your basic habits will go a long way to reduce strain from the environment. Americans consume a collective 20 billion garments every year, according to industry estimates — that’s nearly 70 garments and seven pairs of shoes per person! Turns out most household clothing can be easily recycled, however, which is great news for the planet. Just one box or bag of clothing sent to the right place can reduce the impact of landfills and start a positive impact.
Provide Local Thrift Shops With More Wares
Do you ever wonder what you could be doing for your community at large? Just think about the last time you shopped at a thrift store and found a snazzy jacket for half the price. Thrift shopping has only gotten more popular these past few years, due in no small part to more people budgeting. According to a recent survey on the matter, nearly 65% of high net worth donors cite ‘giving back to the community’ as their chief motivation for giving. Next time you’re feeling generous, donate old clothing to your American Red Cross clothing donations…someone out there will thank you for it!
Remove Frustrating Clutter From Your Home
Here’s an obvious one that can’t be overstated enough. When donating used clothes you’ll not just help out your neighbors and your planet, you’ll help out yourself. The average American home has over 300,000 things in them, which is great for clutter and bad for your mental health. Consider digging through your closet this year and asking yourself what you do and don’t like wearing. If you haven’t donned that jacket or pair of pants in six months or so, it might be time to toss it!
Shave Money Off Your Taxes Next Year
Nobody looks forward to tax season. That said, you can still take the sting off it by looking into American Red Cross clothing donations. It’s estimated over 3% of American income goes straight to charities every year — that’s over 70% of people in the country donating on a regular basis. Keeping your receipt will allow you to write off a chunk of cash on your next tax return. Red Cross clothes donations are all tax deductible for the value of the items you donate.
Inspire Positive Action By Spreading The Word
Cleaning up the environment, reducing clutter in your home, improving your tax return…what else could there possibly be? The finishing touch you can put on your used clothing donations is simply spreading the word. Social media travels fast, able to send a message that would have taken far more effort back in the day. Telling your co-workers on Facebook or friends on Twitter about your donation could be the spark that inspires a snowball effect. Imagine how much better the world would be if more decided to donate old clothing.
There’s no need to wait until Christmas. Kick off the summer by bagging up those unwanted clothes and calling your local pick up services. American Red Cross clothing donations go a long way!