Choosing A Hospice For Your Loved Ones

If you love someone who is facing a terminal prognosis, it can be overwhelming to understand what the options are. This is where the educational videos from Nelson Adelson Hospice can help you understand what it means to enter into hospice care.
Hospice care isn’t just about medical care; it is a philosophy that strives to put quality of life first. A team of skilled professionals works closely together with you and your loved one to develop a carefully designed plan of care that takes into account all social, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. They can also assist with advice on more practical matters such as insurance, financial, or legal issues.
Treatment isn’t just restricted to inpatient care within hospice care facilities, and many opt to receive their care elsewhere in places like their own residence, an assisted-living facility, or the home of a loved one. Hospice care will ensure that any resources or medical equipment necessary will be delivered to your loved one.
Nelson Adelson Hospice presents to you the first video in a series designed to help you better understand how the hospice system works and how they can partner with you to ensure that your loved one will not have to experience their end-of-life journey alone or in pain.