Finding Relaxation and Contemplation in Your Back Yard

If you want to know the typical American gardener, out pottering around planting trees and shrubs, she is a female 45 years old or older with some level of education. That being said, there are a lot of people out there who use garden design services, gardening centers or the plant nursery every year. Approximately 11 percent of Americans do container gardening. The global gardening economy is worth nearly 200 billion USD and there is even a National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day. It is August 8th, in case you were wondering.
Planting a few plants and shrubs or any other kind of gardening is a great stress reliever. It is said to promote relaxation. That is probably why more people are doing it. Not as many people are interested in planting trees and shrubs that bear fruit in this day and age. But there are plenty of other reasons to garden.
If people who like trees and shrubs do not have room for them in their own back yard, they can always go to garden centers which provide a local venue for people who are interested in finding other ways of fulfilling their needs. Trees and shrubs are not the only types of plantings that people like. A lot of people also like features of gardens such as flowers or rose gardens.
Of course, trees and shrubs do one thing that flowers do not do. In other words, they provide good shade for people who are looking for ways to live better lives. It is for this reason that trees and shrubs will probably remain popular. Even though they require more care and more room, they can offer much more than other plantings can. Whether or not life will become more urbanized and people will cease to plant gardens remains to be seen. But for the moment gardens are a great place to find a place for relaxation and contemplation, in your back yard. Get more info here: