Do You Have a Spouse or Parent Who Is in Need of Memory Care?

Music provides a perfect bridge in life. From the memories that assisted living residents have a difficult time recalling to the days when they lived in their own house to the struggle that Alzeimers patients have getting through their daily tasks, the use of music therapy can provide a connection from the confusion of today to the fond memories of tomorrow. In fact, activities for Alzheimer residents often revolve around routine daily tasks. From folding small wash clothes to matching socks, activities for Alzheimer residents help patients find comfort in achieving manageable tasks.
Long term care for Alzheimers patients is in growing demand in America. And while special facilities and specific medications are able to provide a lot of comfort, but the everyday tasks of hand sewing and using basic tools like hammers and nails can help people reconnect and relax at the same time.
Memory Care Assisted Living Locations Help Both Patients and Family Members Make the Best Transitions
Few transitions in life are as difficult as when a loved one begins to suffer from the systems of dementia. The dementia stages can be difficult to navigate, but with the help of the best support systems, these stages can be manageable. The early detection of dementia is the first step that helps families prepare for the rough road ahead, but choosing between Alzheimers care homes is often one of the final stages. Once a family makes a decision on the right kind of assisted living setting, they also find a facility that can provide the right kind of activities for Alzheimer residents.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the care that the right assisted living and memory care center can provide:
- 66% of U.S. Alzheimer’s patients are women.
- 33% of seniors pass away with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia.
- Alzheimer’s disease is the only top 10 cause of death in America that cannot be slowed, prevented, or cured.
- 74% of assisted living residents are female, while only 26% are male.
- The sixth leading cause of death in America is Alzheimer’s.
- 40% of assisted living residents received assistance with three or more daily living activities, and dressing and bathing were the most common.
If you are learning how to deal with the memory care that your spouse or parent needs you will have the benefit of finding a variety of places that might meet your needs.