Tips for Hiring Moving Companies

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Moving companies can make any move 10x easier, but it’s important to do your homework before hiring a moving service. They will be handling all of your belongings, after all. This video gives some helpful tips on what to look for when hiring a moving company.

The first tip is to schedule as soon as possible. This is especially important if you are moving in the summer months when moving traffic is highest. It’s also important for cost, as the closer you get to the move-in date, the higher the price can get.

Do online research for your move, too. Compare customer reviews online, and you can even call the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints were lodged against the company. It may not be a deal-breaker if there’s one or two, but multiple can be a red flag.

Ask about extra costs associated with your move, too. How much do they charge for bubble wrap, extra boxes, or moving tape? Make a list of how much they charge for those extra things to budget properly.

For more tips and tricks on what to do when hiring a moving company, click on the link to the video above.

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