What Building Improvements Are You Making at Your Church This Year?

Now that your church has completed its goal of constructing and opening a community food pantry in the empty basement, the church council has decided that it is time to pay a little bit of attention to the physical structure of the church. On the list of items that need to be renovated or replaced are the church pews in the sanctuary and the church steeple. The council has approved minor steeple repair in the past, but it is now time to consider a more major project.
With a set of church steeple designs in mind, the facilities committee is ready to recommend either steeple repair or complete steeple replacement. Although a significant amount of the undesignated funds have most recently been dedicated to reaching out to serve the community through the use of the food pantry, the church council feels confident that a wise next move is to make sure that the church building itself, as well as the church furniture, is looking its best.
Is Your Church Ready to Repair or Rebuild Its Steeple or Pews?
Church steeple prices and church steeple plans can vary greatly, so it is important that a council, as well as a building committee, spends plenty of time considering all of the options. Consider these facts and figures about the renovations that many churches find themselves making:
- Cruciform groundplans are the designs that are used in most of the largest cathedrals and great churches.
- When they are no longer used in churches, antique church pews are popular in private homes, as bench seating in an entryway or a dining area.
- Steeple repair is important because it is the part of a church’s structure that people across the community can see.
- The practice of Christianity was illegal and few churches were constructed during the first three centuries of the Early Christian Church.
- Pews were first introduced in the 13th century when church walls were lined with removable stone benches.
- Unlike today, during the period of time between the 1600s and the mid 1800s, the seating arrangements in many churches were made by rank, with higher social classes sitting in pews nearest the altar.
What are the goals for your church this year? Are you working on improving your current facilities or are you concentrating on work that reaches those in need in your community. Whether church councils and pastors are working on a new food pantry for the neighborhood or you are considering upgrades to the facilities that will help your members, because you are the stewards of an entire congregation’s money it is important to work with companies that provide quality work and stand behind the projects they complete.