Whole House Water Filtration Systems Can Help You Feel Good About the Water That Your Family Drinks

As the nation continues to follow the frightening news about available clean water and electricity on the island of Puerto Rico it should not be a surprise that a growing number of Americans pay closer attention to everything from safe chlorine removal from their own home water sources and other concerns that a whole home water filtration system can provide.
Clean drinking water is no longer a thing that Americans can take for granted. As we watched a season of hurricanes threaten the water safety of people in the states of Texas, Louisiana, and Florida, as well as the island of Puerto Rico, struggle when their water sources were threatened, it only makes sense that a number of people throughout the country are investing in whole house filtration systems, as well as chlorine removal when necessary. From homes to businesses, the safety of the water that we have available to drink and to use is a concern that all Americans should share.
Consider these facts and figures about the safety of the water that Americans drink and cook with and the steps that an increasing number of home and business owners are taking to improve the quality of their water:
- 350 gallons is the average daily amount of water a household in America uses.
- Influencing 100% of the processes in our body, water also makes up about two-thirds of who we are.
- As many as 85% of American households are affected by hard water, a process that can be problematic for many reasons.
- In gas water heaters, for instance, every five grains per gallon of hardness causes an 8% loss in efficiency, and an 8% increase in cost if you use 100 gallons of hot water a day.
- You may start to see the effects of hard water at around seven grains of hardness, even if you do not live in the ?very hard? or ?extremely hard? water zones.
Although it may not be on your mind when things are going well, it is important to know that Americans cannot always take having access to clean water for granted. Instead of taking your chances, maybe it is time that you consider the options that you might have to better provide a reliable water source to your family and employees.