How the Seller can Speed Up the Selling Process

Selling your home can be an overwhelming process. In many cases, you have to wait until your home sells to put in an offer on a new house. You have to allow strangers inside of your home, and inside of each room, with just a few hours of notice. You may listen to the negative things they have to say about the place you put so much time and effort into. You have to consider offers that are much less than desired. Your home may also be on the market much longer than planned. There are a few things to consider to speed up the selling process.
Hire a qualified real estate agent
Although you may be tempted to the sell the home yourself, you will find that the real estate professional brings many benefits to the process. They are aware of the market and can appropriately and competitively price your luxury real estate or new construction home. They can monitor all showings, approving or denying them as needed. They can also answer any questions about the home from potential buyers. All negotiations will also go through the real estate professional, making it so that you never have to deal with the buyers.
Market your home
Buyers cannot become aware of how great your home is if they do not know about it. Although your hired real estate professional will be listing your home on the state?s property listing database, you should also take steps in marketing your own home. Share it on social media. Let your friends and family know that your home is up for sale. Post it to for sale websites. It is possible that you will gain interest from buyers who would have not otherwise noticed it.
Provide information to your potential buyers
It is likely that home buyers are seeing multiple properties on the same day. It is also possible that they have additional questions about your home, but either forget or do not bother with going through their real estate professional for answers. Provide viewers of your home with a packet of information. Notify them of any renovation dates, perks of the home, and what comes with the sale of the property. The packet also gives them something physical to take home to remember the property with. Even including local amenities can be helpful for those who are new to the area. For example, there are 19 miles of lakefront bicycle paths in Chicago. Let them know how close they are to your new construction or single family homes.
Stage your home
Staging allows potential buyers to see the home as their own. This is especially necessary if you have already moved and the house is now empty. It can also be helpful for new construction houses that do not yet have any furniture. The staging should be consistent with the type of home and the location of the home. Downtown real estate, for example, can be furnished with modern furniture and trimmings. Photographs of the downtown area and the new construction house can also add a nice touch.
Offer buyer incentives
Among those who financed their home purchase, buyers typically financed 90% of the home price. Most buyers do not want to pay too much out of pocket for a down payment, because they prefer to keep that money for moving costs and new home item purchases. Offer buyer incentives, such as concessions to help them with closing costs. This can be a great incentive to move your home quicker on the market.
Buyers typically searched for 10 weeks and looked at a median of 10 homes. The long buying process can seem especially long for sellers. They are required to put their lives on hold, in hope that their home will quickly sell. A seller can speed up the selling process by assisting with the process. They should highlight the benefits of their home and location, price appropriately, stage the home, and offer buyer incentives. It can also be helpful to hire a professional real estate agent who is familiar with the area and the local homes or condos for sale.